Orsina - First Badge (Tutorial Quest)

You know what your problem is? Because if you don’t, Orsina does! No, not the whole “stranded at an abandoned scout camp after an interdimensional bus crash” thing… it’s that all that nonsense has stopped you from participating in any proper Spirit Scout stuff! Fortunately, as the scout with the most seniority (she got stranded here first), Orsina’s ready to help with an authentic scout experience: as soon as you earn your next badge!

Teaches the player about badge rewards, and where to locate them.

Bunch - Gifted (Flashback Scene)

An old soul like Bunch has spent a heap of time in the kitchen, so when he says your cooking prowess makes it seem like you might be gifted, he certainly knows what he’s talking about. What he doesn’t fully understand is why that word fills him with so much dread— until a memory from his childhood comes rushing back.

Provides the player with their first insight into Bunch’s childhood.

Astrid - Fleeting Flyer (Burning Quest)

Astrid was having a groovy time tending to some needed repairs, but she made a bit of a mess. Fortunately you were around and feeling helpful, so you lent a hand cleaning up the homestead. One of the pieces of debris you found seems to be causing Astrid to lapse into a flashback. But don’t worry— as an old-school hippy, she knows exactly how to handle this.

First subversion of the previously established flashback mechanic.